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Governance review

Example: In advising on governance redesign I help leaders build thriving organizations by steering a careful path between encouraging autonomy and exercising control. In my experience, as organizations grow there is often a need to improve the efficiency of decision-making processes.  However, overt attempts to centralise power through redesigning governance arrangements can provoke a backlash among professionals. Alternatively, where power is too centralised, professionals may become disenfranchised and disengaged. I work with clients to create a governance structure to resolve this paradox.

Redesigning partner appraisal and remuneration

Example: It is an uncomfortable truth that it is not possible to create an “ideal” system of partner appraisal and remuneration. It will always involve difficult compromises among multiple competing priorities. Attempts to change even unpopular systems may provoke resistance among the partnership. Through my research and long experience of helping leaders with these complex challenges I show how to navigate competing interests and develop a partner appraisal and remuneration system which, while inevitably not ideal, is definitely optimal and implementable.

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