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Pellentesque sit amet mattis sem. Nullam eu felis ac eros blandit interdum ac id risus. Phasellus vitae tortor efficitur, varius sem eu, laoreet sapien. Nulla ut massa quis diam dignissim sollicitudin et mattis diam. Sed urna odio, eleifend sit amet lacus non, dapibus maximus augue. Maecenas vel urna elementum, pharetra nibh quis, eleifend sem. Fusce nisl quam, sagittis sed sapien a, lacinia porttitor urna. Nullam a est enim. Morbi pellentesque est mauris, non varius augue gravida a.

Ut justo nulla, lobortis eget ante nec, feugiat fringilla tellus. Aenean luctus id libero ut lobortis. Suspendisse non commodo eros. Curabitur consequat posuere odio, non dictum eros pharetra quis. Vivamus non risus commodo, iaculis odio ut, ultricies mauris. Aenean tincidunt eros sit amet quam auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur at lobortis sapien, a sagittis elit. Nunc finibus orci enim. Maecenas suscipit ligula sed dignissim vulputate. Duis a tincidunt ligula. Nullam ac urna in ex pharetra fermentum. Aenean imperdiet a metus ut aliquet. Phasellus feugiat libero tellus, eget ornare metus cursus quis. Morbi sed ex et mi volutpat volutpat.

Laura’s thinking is grounded in an in-depth understanding of organisational reality. She gets beneath the skin of her clients’ organizations to understand their most complex organisational issues.

Laura brings an unusual ability to combine in-depth insights and lateral thinking with intuitive understanding.

Laura continuously develops and challenges her own thinking to develop original and bespoke insights for her clients.

Laura believes profoundly in the complementary relationship between academic research and professional practice. She applies intellectual rigour to make objective recommendations based on rich evidence and insight from her research.

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